
Sunday, August 12, 2012

UNREAL candy Bzzcampaign

I am so excited about being accepted in the Unreal Candy campaign. 
I can't wait to taste it and see if it is as good as it looks. 

I really am looking forward to trying the chocolate peanut butter (the one on the far right) it has 11g sugar compared to the other one that looks like it at 21g sugar! That really is UNREAL. I try to pay close attention to the sugar content in things cause I know that sugar contributes to the dreaded BELLY FAT. I am sure we all want to avail that. I will let you know when I give it a try!

I really like the packaging if you pay attention it is not just geometrical shapes it actually says UNREAL.

for more information on UNREAL Candy check them out here or on their FB PAGE here

I appreciate that they get their coloring for their candies from food like 
Blue - cabbage
Green - Tumeric root and cabbage
Purple - beets
orange - Achiote tree seed
yellow - tumeric root

Not artificial dyes

If you would like to be a BzzAgent click on the link HERE. It's free and you will love being able to get to be the lucky ones to test out new products and share your opinion.


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