
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday 7-24-12 my crossfit BLOG

If you are interested in following my crossfit blog check it out here 

WOW! That's what I have to say. Maybe because it's Summer time and there is no A/C everything just seems harder. Since I got back from vacation I feel like everything takes double work. I get a head rush all the time. I was talking to a co-worker this morning and he says I don't care about crossfit. You guys just run and run and it's like and everyday obstacle race. He said if I want to run I will but I am not going to pay for it. I have better things to spend my money on. I respect everyone's opinion. Oh Well call us crazy then :D! I am crazy with a smile on my face and at least I know I feel goos about accomplishing something that people 15 years younger cannot even do! Oh and another co-worker joined up!! Get fit LADIES!
On to the WOD

  1. run a lap (1/3 mile)
  2. 100 single jump rope/ 50 dbl unders (single for me)
  3. 20 push ups
  4. 20 BSU w/ PVC
  5. 20 mountain clinbers
  6. 100 single jump rope/ 50 dbl unders (single for me)
  7. 10 PVC pass thrus
  8. 10 Skin the cat left and right
  9. Bergener warm up
  1. 3 reps @ 60% (35lbs)
  2. 2 rounds of 3 reps @70% (55lbs)
  3. 3 reps @ 80% (65lbs) This was extra hard. I tried as you can see in the video. I did end up being able to lift it. Thank you Silvio for correcting me. I always need reminders and tips. (gentle with the weights Annette) :D

20 min AMRAP
  1. 400 meter run
  2. 21 deadlifts (85lbs)
I did 4 rounds

I am waiting for the day that I say this was a piece of cake! I know it will never happen cause if I say that then I know I didn't push myself hard enough.  There is always a way to make your WOD harder by pushing yourself to go faster or lift more. With that said umm yeah I don't think that is going to happen. Run run 400 meter run! oh my shins hurt. When I am running (jogging) I feel like I could walk faster that I run LOL. Today I kept getting head rushes after about 5 deadlifts. Settled in and continued. I thing old lady syndrome will be coming tomorrow.

Here goes a little post WOD Therapy with Mimi and Tina!!
See they are smiling after the WOD. Probably cause it's all over.


coming October 13th in Miami!!
I cannot wait! I am so going to love this!! run, walk dance your way to the finish while getting painted with colors every 5 minutes. Start out wearing all WHITE and end up leaving looking like a bag of SKITTLES!

Coming also in October on the 21st!!
Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D

If you are interested in following my crossfit blog check it out here 

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