I have to say when I opened the package it had a strong black licorice or clove scent that was quite intimidating. Especially since I am not a fan of that at all. I would normally completely throw this away and not even give it a chance. That is how much I dislike black licorice. I did however make this tea and guess what? ... I made it again and again. Once you brew the tea the scent is there slightly, but there is no taste of black licorice for me. I drank it on it's own without sweetener or anything. I really enjoyed it, surprisingly. I shared this with my boss at work. We both liked the tea.
There are 30 individual tea bags inside and the packaging is great since, once you open it is a re-sealable pouch. The pouch is also air tight and will maintain the freshness of the tea.

As for decreasing my appetite?...
I would have to say for me yes. I actually feel quite full when I drink this. The warm tea is also quite comforting too. I have not lost any weight yet, but I can say I feel better after drinking it. I feel like I am doing something good for my body and my body is thankful.
What I love is that it has B1, B2, C, E, niacin and K. There is also detoxifying and diuretic ingredients in there too. Over all I "Feel Good" I don't know any other way to explain it than that.
Product Description
Infinite Joy is a herbal tea for losing weight it includes 21 herbal ingredients that help in supporting natural weight loss. The herbs in this everyday diet tea and detox supplement helps to naturally raise your basal metabolic rate which allows you to burn the excess fat in your body and eventually help you to shed those extra pounds. The ingredients in this herbal tea makes it a great tasting tea for appetite suppression best of all the most important benefit of Infinite Joy is that it's herbal ingredients help to naturally detoxify your body. The herbal combination helps by stimulating the detox action of liver and eliminates unwanted toxins from your body.
Infinite joy also includes powerful ginseng which is well-known for its weight loss property. This simple weight loss tea is also rich in compounds called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are a group of beneficial, non-nutritive biological compounds that occur naturally in roots, leaves, buds and stems of plants. Research on weight loss indicates if your body is staggering with accumulated toxins, it becomes extremely difficult to lose weight via exercise and dietary changes. This is why an ideal diet tea and detox supplement like Infinite Joy is the best support you can offer yourself while on a weight loss goal. If you are working towards shedding the unwanted weight, it is a perfect addition to your weight loss regimen. Keep in mind to follow healthy eating habits, stay physically active as well as monitor and decrease stress level.
The product is 100% natural and unlike other weight loss products has no caffeine. With this simple, everyday tea weight loss is not a distant dream, the combination of ingredients in this herbal tea makes it an ideal weight loss supplement. Try Infinite Joy it is a perfect diet tea and detox supplement that also improves your overall health and well-being besides acting as a weight loss tea.
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