
Monday, January 12, 2015

Lemon Essential oil

Essential oils have been a new thing for me. I had no idea how many uses there are for all the different types of essential oils. It is to your benefit to investigate and search the uses of whichever oil you happen to use. 
Lemon Essential Oil is pretty useful in more than skin care. The best use in skin care in my opinion is  by adding to your face creams to help lighten your dark spots to your face and help clear blemishes. When you apply it this was you will feel a cooling sensation to the skin. I have been adding this to my body lotion to add to some darkens scars on my knee and have noticed some lightening.
Some great carrier oils for blending is jojoba oil and coconut oil. 

This is cruelty free and all natural.
For this particular oil it is recommended to always dilute or mix before use and never apply this directly on the skin without doing this.
Here are some other uses:

  • adding it to your scalp after washing then rinsing out is another great way to help with an oily scalp. 
  • adding it to your hair or in the room to help with concentration
  • add a drop to a tissue before you go on a road trip to help with motion sickness
  • adding about 25 drops to your laundry when washing will take out the odors, especially from old towels, pet urine orders and more
  • a few drops to remove gum, sticky labels and oil (spot treat too)

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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