
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

BLOG worthy WOD

Oh how I love to get tortured at Crossfit Fortress!
It's been a little while since my last post about Crossfit, but it has just gotten better over time. I love the camaraderie of my co-athletes!  I really appreciate how we all have become friends and when new people come in well... everyone is welcome :) We encourage each other to keep going and to push harder. Some are more advanced than others yet we all work together. There is no place like it. 

WE (7pm class) have an amazing Coach Brian who I appreciate his techniques and all the ways of teaching us all. It is vey simple and very clear. Every class I learn something new. No matter how many times I have done a move, I learn to improve it and be more efficient at each movement. 

Alright enough of that on to the WOD! 

Warm up: 

  • mobility and a jog


  • Kipping - I  have always missed this. I am always not there on the day of the Kipping technique. Not able to pull my self yet, but I have to keep at it and will soon enough be able to do one without a band. 
Happy Hump Day (I love the name he he he)

10 burpees
10 wall balls 20/14
10 KB swings 55/35
10 box jumps 30/24
10 deadlifts (heavy!!!!! This should be close to 1 RM)

*Elimination style WOD* meaning once one round is done then we start over and remove the last step until we end up with only Burpees left

My time 17:59 min

all I know I felt incredibly over heated when I was done and know I worked hard. After my last Burpee I just rolled over to catch my breath and when I turned my head I notice a few others laying on the ground too :)

Amazingly hard WOD for me. 

Oh AND Crossfit Fortress is Hosting the Florida Open

March 29 & 30th
Want to compete and put yourself to the test click the links below to find out more
Pretty Amazing I have to say!!
I have to say congrats to Owner and Head Coach Silvio. All his hard work and determination shows. It shows every day. 
For more information about it all check out Crossfit fortress on line :

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