
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Back to Crossfit Fortress

I know it has been such a long time since I have blogged about my crossfit experience so here we go. Since my last post many moons ago I have taken a couple breaks from the Box. Always missing and regretting and feeling guilty when I don't go. I just can't do it as I wish. Sometime the family has to rule.
The Box that I love is Crossfit Fortress in Miami. We have changed locations but it was just a few shops down. This is a massive location! Our main coach has nicknamed his baby "MonsterBox".  It is beautiful and has a great layout. I my favorite is our individual work stations. 

On to my recent return. I took a month and a half off due to everyone in my house getting terribly sick including myself. My 1st day back was this past Monday. Today is Wednesday and I am completely crippled. Coughing hurts my abs, my shoulders and arms are painful in a good way. My thighs on the other had are so painful! I nearly dropped my daughter this morning while carrying her down the stairs. I had to put her down on the 3rd step. Getting in and out of my car was a joke!
Anyway So here was our WOD for Monday and Tuesday

I have to say I did 3 rounds and thought I was going pt tip over at least 3 times. When you take any time off, it is like starting all over again.
There were advanced classes going on and I love to watch them. They are like human machines. 

Will show pics of the new Box on another post. Yes I said another post, so that means more to come.  Silvio, thanks for your positivity! 

Barbells for Boobs this Saturday to raise money for Breast Cancer detection. Follow the FB link below

Crossfit Fortress FB Page
Check out their site it is pretty informative too.
Oh Yes and a new Logo:

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