
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Knorr Ultimate Thanksgiving Cravebox

Ok yes Thanksgiving is over, but that doesn't mean I can't still talk about my Knorr Ultimate Thanksgiving Cravebox. I plan on using my Cravebox for Christmas. In my family we all go to my dads house for Thanksgiving and then everyone comes to my house for Christmas. I knew I was going to hold on to this for that occasion.
This Cravebox was FULL of item that we will use. I love when that happens. Sometime you get things that you will either giveaway or put in the cabinet or closet and forget about it. This one is an all me (or we) box. I am excited for my Christmas dinner to come so I can share with my family all the things in my box. 
I think I may use a recipe out of here. I saw some pretty amazing ones too. Time to readjust my menu
Biscuits who doesn't like these at any meal, especially the ones you can peel the layers apart. YUM! The recipe card had some neat sloppy joes, but you can get more ideas from their site
Bake a cake and give it some Strawberry cheesecake frosting? Oh YEAH!!
Check out all the different flavors available on their site
Brookside Candied snacks. A little fruit and a little dark chocolate. Sounds like the holidays.
To find out what they are all about click HERE
Nothing to say here. The can says it all.
At our dinners we go thru gravy like it's going out of style. Two packs was perfect! One for me and one for them ha ha. If you have no idea what and how to cook check out McCormick  you can learn something there. 
I think I am going to even use this in my massed potatoes like the recipe card shows, but I think I will concoct a meatloaf with this as an ingredient in it too.  For more info and ideas you can check out their website
Lastly. $25 towards some crds, pictures, calendars or something crafty. Maybe even a holiday gift for close family members. Go to and see what you can create.

You can always enter many of the giveaways they have by following the Cravebox Blog HERE
Lastly thanks to Cravebox for this amazing box. 
If you would like to sign up you can click the link HERE. They have a variety of CraveBoxes coming out. Here are the upcoming boxes.
  1. Dog Lovers II
  2. Little ones
  3. New Moms
  4. Beautiful by you

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