
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ulta Nail Polish

I got this from Ulta using my reward points.
I had 3 points to spend so I chose this pretty midnight blue color polish. I think it was worth 2 points. I have been  loving the darker color polishes lately. I think they are very bold and make a statement. I use to use only neutral or pale colors. I was always worries that the bold colors would look terrible on me, but I have definitely learned to love bold colors. I like the shimmer it has in it too. I used two coats here in these photos. You can see how the color brightens when in direct sunlight. Compare the bottle alone and when I am holding it.. Overall I think the quality is quite nice and 2 coats was plenty!! pretty good for free I say! Ulta usually has lots of sales, but if you but a polish not on sale the cost is $8.00. I guess you could just get and OPI huh? I have never tried OPI but would love to. I usually don't spend much on my makeup or nail products cause I do have more important things to spend my money on, like food, gas you know life sustaining things. So I will usually only purchase Beauty items if it is on sale. So sad for me, but it is the only way. Sale on not buy :(

The color is        "Into Astrono-me?"                                     

 Chow chow for now!!

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